Databit Blog

Databit has been serving the Mahwah area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: 9 Hacker Profiles You Need to Be Aware Of

Tip of the Week: 9 Hacker Profiles You Need to Be Aware Of

“Hacker” is a word that can bring up many powerful impressions in people. It may very well bring up images of a pale super genius hunched over a keyboard, awash in dim blue light, as it does for many people. However, this extremely specific image does little but pigeonhole the many hackers in the real world into this dramatized caricature.

In reality, there are many different kinds of hacker, each with a preferred target and reason for doing what they do. For your part, it helps to be familiar with the 10 types of hackers that are to be found in reality.


  • Script Kiddies: There’s a reason that this type of hacker is under the “amateur” heading. These are the hackers who are capable of little more than piggybacking onto larger efforts, or dabbling in the more basic forms of cybercrime. They are little more than nuisances, compared to their hacking compatriots.

The Good Guys

  • White Hats: These ethical hackers, usually security researchers, are those that help the average user by using their skills to keep threats at bay.

Political Players

  • Hacktivists: Using DDoS attacks and website vandalism to humiliate and hobble their targets, these actors are usually part of a larger group, working towards an ideologically driven common cause.
  • Nationalist Hackers: These actors are those that, thanks to their sympathies and patriotic motives, are often given a pass by law enforcement.
  • Nation State Agents: These actors typically  for a government body, usually in a military or intelligence capacity. They have access to great capital resources, but will not hesitate to use common tools as well.

The Criminals

  • Cyber Mercenaries: These are hackers-for-hire, who will be brought on to assist other cybercriminals for a share of whatever ill-gotten gains there are to be had.
  • Repeat Offenders: These hackers are skilled, yet disorganized, which keeps them from obtaining the profits that other varieties of hackers do.
  • Organized Crime: These are criminal organizations that focus on cybercrime, with a hierarchy that allows them to reap great profits from their schemes.
  • Malicious Insider: These are the criminals who sit inside your walls, actively working to sabotage your efforts and leak critical information to your competition, often for personal motivations.

These malicious insiders are easily the most dangerous threat to an SMB, but that doesn’t mean that the others don’t cause problems as well. In order to keep them all at bay, you will not only need to encourage diligence in the workplace, but also protect that workplace with comprehensive security solutions.

The experts at Databit are ready to assist you in securing your business assets against external influences. Call 201-529-8050 to get started.

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Alert: LastPass Vulnerability Found. Is Any Password Manager Safe?

Alert: LastPass Vulnerability Found. Is Any Password Manager Safe?

Thanks to one of Google’s researchers with the Zero Day Project, it has been discovered that LastPass has a major vulnerability as a result of a major architectural problem. This news comes on the heels of many other flaws the same researcher discovered within LastPass. However, based on what the researcher claims, these vulnerabilities were much less serious than his latest discovery.

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Your Business Should Be in the Headlines for the Right Reasons, Not for a Cyber Attack

Your Business Should Be in the Headlines for the Right Reasons, Not for a Cyber Attack

Today’s headlines are peppered with stories of major companies and institutions falling victim to a cyberattack. As a business owner, what’s your response to these gut-wrenching stories? If you write them off as fear mongering and believe that these attacks can never happen to your SMB, well, you’re wrong. They can and it’s up to you to prevent such a disaster.

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Tip of the Week: Ways to Be Active and Proactive With Your Network Security

Tip of the Week: Ways to Be Active and Proactive With Your Network Security

Security troubles have many causes, but the only way to protect your business from any of them is to implement a comprehensive enterprise-level security solution. There are two other ways that you can work to protect your business, implementing software patches, and avoiding social engineering attempts.

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Alert: 33.7 Millions Records Released to Public Due to Leak of Massive Marketing Database

Alert: 33.7 Millions Records Released to Public Due to Leak of Massive Marketing Database

In recent news, millions of records containing personal information were made available to the public in a sizable data leak, providing potential scammers with plenty of information to utilize in their schemes. These records were all part of a 53 GB database that was available for purchase from Dun & Bradstreet, a business service firm.

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Do the Right Thing This World Backup Day and Back it Up Right

Do the Right Thing This World Backup Day and Back it Up Right

In today’s business world, having a reliable way to access your data is key to your company’s success. Everything you do depends on the data you have at your disposal--so what would you do if that data was no longer available to you?

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Tip of the Week: Looking to Save Money? Try These 4 Proven Business Tactics

Tip of the Week: Looking to Save Money? Try These 4 Proven Business Tactics

Unless you have the good fortune to be running a large, well-funded business, you’ll always want to find ways to cut out unnecessary costs and improve the way your organization functions. When you’re cracking down on your budget, you might notice that even making a small change to your spending could yield quite a large return in the form of savings. We’ve compiled four ways that your business can start making more for less.

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Step Aside Sherlock, Supercomputer Watson is Investigating Cybercrime

Step Aside Sherlock, Supercomputer Watson is Investigating Cybercrime

When it comes to solving crime few are as well renowned as Sherlock Holmes. However, now Watson is stepping forward to strike back against cyber criminals--but not Dr. Watson, Holmes’ faithful companion. Instead, we’re referring to Watson, IBM’s renowned supercomputer.

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Productivity Suffers Without a Cohesive IT Plan

Productivity Suffers Without a Cohesive IT Plan

There are right ways and wrong ways to do many things, and managing IT is no exception. Many businesses, especially small ones, are left susceptible to issues and vulnerabilities in their network. What’s worse, these are often networks that are supported by an IT “expert.”

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Tip of the Week: You May Want to Remove Your Wi-Fi Information From the WiGLE Database

Tip of the Week: You May Want to Remove Your Wi-Fi Information From the WiGLE Database

The next time you look at your device’s available Wi-Fi connections when in public, take a look at what some of the local connection names are. Chances are that you’ll see some names that match a nearby organization or family. Others might still be using the default SSID, like Linksys/Netgear-something-or-other. Others might get a little more creative. The latter example may have the right idea; using an obscure wireless network name is much more secure than naming your connection after what it’s associated with.

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